The name originates in Normandy from the Chateau d’Adam at Brix situated between Cherbourg and Valognes. The ruins of this 11th century fortress built by, and named after, Adam de Brus, can still be seen. Robert de Brus followed William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy to England in 1066. One of his relatives, Robert de Brus, became a companion-in-arms to Prince David in his visit to the court of Henry I of England, afterwards David I of Scotland, following him north as he went to reclaim his kingdom in 1124. My mothers side of the family is Bruce and comes from Aberdeen where I was born.
The most famous Bruce without question is Robert the Bruce, King ROBERT 1st. of Scotland, 7th Lord of Annandale, 2nd Earl of Carrick,who secured independence by victory over King Edward II of England. The Bruce asserted his grandfather’s claimto the Scottish Crown and was crowned at Scone 27th March 1306, having killed John the Red Comyn (a nephew of John Balliol by his sister) on 10 February 1306. The Red Comyn had defeated the English at Roslin in 1302 but submitted to Edward I.The power of King Robert I. was finally cemented by his splendid and decisive victory at Bannockburn in 1314 and the Treaty of Northampton in 1328. He died 7th June 1329 at Cardross in Dumbartonshire and was interred in the Abbey Church of Dunfermline 25 years later. His heart was first carried on a crusade to Spain by Sir James Douglas and now lies in Melrose Abbey.